How to Get Thousands of Resellers/Associates to Join Your Associate Program and Sell Your Product or Service

I will warn you even before you read this section that it is going to be a blatant plug - I have no way around that... and let me explain why.

The reason I titled this section "How to Get Thousands of Resellers/Associates to Join Your Associate Program and Sell Your Product or Service" is because this is probably one of the most popular questions I get (and a very complicated one to answer)... and if I didn't give you some answers in this web site, there would be hundreds of people emailing us asking this exact question.

To be very frank, other than the important steps you must take to make your associates program successful (i.e. good automated associate software, a website that has a great sales conversion ratio, paying out high commission, etc), all that effort is worthless unless you can get a whole lot of people selling your product or service online. So getting resellers/associates to join your program and sell your product or service is probably the most critical key ingredient to making your associate program wildly successful (and putting hundreds of thousands of dollars in your pocket).

You see, you can have the best software, you can have the best product, the best customer service, the best commissions... but if you cannot reach hundreds if not thousands of people online that have the potential to represent your product and drive traffic to your site, all your effort was for nothing.

Okay, let's move on.

I have techniques that we use to generate hundreds of associates in just a few days after you start your own associates program... and thousands of associates within just a couple of months. It is actually quite easy... if you know what to do and how to do it (which I will show you).

But my problem is that my clients pay me very good money to give them all the "insider" techniques and tips that makes a fortune online (they pay me $2,790/hour and I am booked weeks in advance!). I better have information for them that gives them an unfair advantage over their competitors wouldn't you say?

I save my "killer" information, tips, and techniques for my paying customers... the ones that purchase my course (where I reveal EXACTLY how I made millions of dollars online), clients that hire me for consultations at $2,790/hr, and people that purchase specialty products from me like my new E-Book software , etc.

Wouldn't you do the same for your clients?

Heck, if you hired me for $2,790/hr and I could not give you ideas to make 10 times that amount in our hour consultation, I would feel extremely guilty. If you bought my 500+ page Internet Marketing Course, wouldn't you expect to get information that is not available anywhere else? Wouldn't you expect that information to help you make 10 times, if not 100 times what you paid for it?

Of course you would!

And that is my point here.

I have to save my real "killer" stuff (in this case "how to get thousands of associates to joining your associate program and sell your products online")... the information and tips that make my clients a fortune online... I have to save it for my courses and manuals.

What I am trying to get to here is that the question that I always get "How do I get hundreds, if not thousands of people to join my associate program and promote my products and services?" is answered in my new course that comes free of charge with our new AssocTRAC software (you cannot purchase the course separately).

This will give my AssocTRAC software clients an unfair advantage over the other associate programs out there. The course is called, "The 12 Secrets and Tools to an Outrageously Successful Associate Program". The AssocTRAC software without this course is a fantastic bargain on its own - this manual explains the techniques we used and use to build an affiliate database of over 40, 000). Click here for more details on AssocTRAC and the course that comes with it free of charge.

In my opinion, the course alone (without the AssocTRAC) software is worth $677 as it will give you the keys to making an insane amount of money with Associate Programs.

The manual makes running a phenomenally successful associate program and earning hundreds of thousands of dollars... a total "no-brainer".

This manual will give you my few guarded secrets that will explode your sales and show you EXACTLY how to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars in business in as short as 30 days from when you start. I have done it, and I will show you how you can easily follow in my footsteps to do the same.

If you own my Internet Marketing Course, you know that I preach that the Internet is one of the most powerful business opportunities in the world right now, but it is hard work at first. The advantage is that once you set it up and do all the initial work, you just automate the business... then you sit back and enjoy the profits for years to come. In the course I talk about how there is not "one" magical marketing technique that will make you rich... it is a combination of many promotions that will create sales for you (and create wealth for you).

Well, for the first time, I am going to say something that is against that statement.

Associate programs are the one marketing technique that can make you very successful and very wealthy in an extreme short period of time. Even if you screw it up somehow (which is hard to do), you will still make money (although not as much as you could have). It is that powerful!... and that easy if you know what you are doing (which I teach you in my new course that comes with AssocTRAC).

So what makes us experts in Associate Programs?

We have been doing associate programs since 1995 (when starting doing it)... and we do over 1 million dollars in sales ($1,000,000) from our associates program EVERY YEAR (and that is not even including the backend sales!). So we know what we are talking about when it comes to getting associates to join and make you money!

Like I have always taught, model someone that is successful. I am giving you the key here, it is your job to unlock the door and let the money flow in.

Before we finish this section up, I am going to repeat something I said in my "editor's letter" which most of you probably missed (it is easy to overlook):

"Ok, the time has come. If you don't get on the Associate Program "bandwagon" now, you are going to be left behind. They are really hot right now, but still in the infancy stage. If you get on now, you will make a ton of money and crush your competitors… if you don't, they will crush you. This is the next business revolution of the Internet… I am not kidding! Be prepared, in the next 12 months, to see some of the biggest names on the Internet get heavily involved in Associate Programs because they are going to realize finally what they are missing. Some have already noticed and have implemented such programs.

Getting rich is all about timing… being in the right place at the right time. This is the time and place… don't let this one drive by… I am giving you warning now… this is big and it has the potential to make you a lot of money… so drop whatever you are doing and get an associate program for your product or service."

Don't take that lightly, if you do, you will be kicking yourself in the "butt" 12 months from now when you see your competition 10 times the size you are because they got their own associate program and you didn't.."

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Corey Rudl is the owner of four highly successful online businesses that attract more than 1.8 million visitors per month and generate over $6.6 million each year. He is also the author of the #1 best-selling Internet Marketing course online.

Click here to check out his site that's JAM-PACKED WITH THE EXACT INFORMATION YOU NEED to start, build, and grow your very own profitable Internet business starting from scratch.


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